Monday, 23 August 2010

More workshops than we know what to do with....Tuesday 24th September

If you are not back to work or school yet then tomorrow would be a perfect day to come down as we have a huge amount on for you to come and engage with and learn from. Check the workshops page for more information on each of them.

Tuesday 24th :

11.30 : Riddle Me This
- Alette Willis

12.30: Interactive Performance

2.30 : Our nature in nature: collective art-making in the garden - Simon Jackson, and Alette Willis from Transition Edinburgh's Heart and Soul Group.

2.30 : Starting to Write (for Adults) - Jane Alexander

3.30: Interactive Performance

4.30 : From the unseen perspective: a presentation by a blind photographer on her artwork and photographic techniques - Rosita Mc Kenzie

Drop in: Full moon awareness, movement and flow - Bree and John

Drop in: Green Wood-working - Richard Wells