Saturday, 14 August 2010


11.30 : Weevils, Beetles, Caterpillars and Millipedes - An Investigation of the Creepy Crawlies with Kjersti Sletteland

12.30: Exploring Nature through Drama - Jonathon White

2.30: Didgeridoo and Storytelling - Ken Shapley (Ages 7+)

2.30 : Contact Improvisation - Iraya Noble

3.30: Storytelling Games - Peter Simmons

4.30 : Goethean Observation of a Plant - Roland Playle

Sunday 15th :

11.30 : Rangoli Indian Art and Nature Henna Painting - Poonam and Danny Ladwa

12.30: Interactive Performance

2.30: Didgeridoo and Storytelling - Ken Shapley (Ages 7+)

2.30 : Make Poetry Now - Harry Giles

3.30: Interactive Performance

4.30 : Theatre Workshop - Danny Mullins