Friday 6 August 2010

Saturday 8th: Workshops a plenty!

If you have working slavishly all week and have the chance tomorrow to come down for the first time to the Secret Grove you have a host of exciting events to choose from. Please come along, hang out, and learn, or make, a thing or two. Have a look at what is on below, and check the workshops page above for more information on any of them:

11.30 : Stamp Making - Invisible Structures Team

11.30 : Weevils, Beetles, Caterpillars and Millipedes - An Investigation of the Creepy Crawlies with Kjersti Sletteland

11.30 : Exploring nature through drama - Jonathon White

2.30: "Expressing your Inner Landscape" - Sabina Sharma

2.30 : Contact Improvisation - Iraya Noble

4.30 : Goethean Observation of a Plant - Roland Playle (workshops also on 14th, 4.30)

4.30 : Rhythm in Colour (for ages 16 +) - Jane Cormack